Monday 30 June 2014

I just like to write. So I'm going to.

Today is Monday, June 30th. 
I'm sitting at work almost completely alone because for some lame reason the July 1st Canada Day holiday landed on a Tuesday this year and everyone at my work voted to have the Monday off instead.  Unfortunately for a single mom who's daycare closes for statutory holidays, what I want I don't always get. No big deal.  It's quiet here and I like it. 
I'm not too sure about this blog stuff, but I like to write and I like to journal so what the H E double hockey sticks.
Why not?
I can do anything I want.
What I'm up to...
Raising my kids, hopefully into functioning human beings. Influencing what I can, noticing and admitting my shortcomings, being aware of them and just doing my best with what I'm working with. Learning and loving I go.
Working at a rail repair shop pushing paperwork.  Can't tell you how fun this is, but I'm thankful to have a job.  I'm happy to have this job.  Even if it licks ass part-time.
Trying to clean out my stuff! I've lost some poundage and have yet to sort through my mass of material which will be donated to friends or goodwill and otherwise I want to reduce the amount of crap I have in my house.  I hate clutter. It pisses me off and I feel myself begin to Hulk out when I have shit in my face all of the time. Wooooosaaaaahhhhhhhh!
Focusing on me. I've always been one to put others like my kids, partners, friends, family, etc. before myself.  I've realized now that I've slowly gone mental over time that this isn't a very healthy lifestyle and so now I'm putting the focus inward first.  I'm doing this by doing things for myself, such as not overcommitting, practicing mediation more often, asking for help if I need it, getting active and getting out.  I've started snowboarding because it really is important to have hobbies, especially if you are a single parent. You need to get out and get away sometimes. Your life cannot always be about kids and work or you will go batshit crazy.  Believe that. I'm trying to get out and do anything like golfing or going to the batting cages, biking, etc. and spending more time with friends and making new friends. I've also decided to leave a few bad relationships in the dust and maybe kicked up some rocks at those muthers on my way out because well, those people have sucked to put it simply.  Okay, not the dust.  They're still around but not at the level they were allowed to be previously.  Forgiving. Forgiving anything I feel I can and letting it go. Like the people who suck for example. Dwelling on crap is negative, puts out bad energy creates self-pitty, I swear to G. What do I have to feel crummy about? Okay there's some things, if I really sat and thought it out there's probably a lot of things, but are they things I can change. Nope. So move on. 

I'm turning on the tunes more often and dancing to it.  In the kitchen. In my car.  In the grocery store.  I don't give a whaaaaaaaat.  Even though I can't sing worth crap or play an instrument music speaks to me and makes me feel great.
A good bit of info I read a couple weeks ago...
If there's a problem you are facing...
Is there something you can do about it? ... Yes?  Than why worry.
Is there nothing you can do about it? ... No?  Than why worry.
Don't worry,          
                             be happy.